Our services

Institutional Capacity Development (ICD)


Professional consultants

All of our consultants have specialist experience in the field.


In-house tools available

Our package comes with our in-house tools.


Consultations made

Last year, our team was able to help over 100 clients.

1. Professional Consulting Services

Global Active Mind offers professional consulting services, including organizational capacity assessment and development, strategic business and project development planning, policy analysis and formulation, financial consultancy and compliance, project evaluation, expert facilitation and documentation services, professional write-ups and editorial services, and visibility and technology strategies. These services aim to enhance an organization's capacity, improve efficiency, productivity, and impact, and provide strategic guidance for business and project success. We work closely with our clients to develop forward-thinking strategies that align with their goals, ensuring sustainable growth and project excellence. We also provide in-depth financial expertise, including tax advisory and auditing services, to ensure financial compliance and optimize fiscal strategies.

2. Certified Trainings

GAM offers a variety of certified training programs in various areas, including professional project planning, organizational behavior, OPRAS, retirement planning, financial management, risk management, monitoring and evaluation framework development, documentation and report writing skills, storytelling for fundraising success, and strategic leadership skills. These programs equip individuals and organizations with industry-relevant skills and certifications. GAM also tailors training programs to meet the specific needs of organizations, including on-site workshops, online courses, and certification programs. These programs are developed after a thorough analysis of the organization's goals, challenges, and workforce. GAM also provides career advancement courses, including interview preparation, resume building, and soft skills training, to help individuals advance in their careers. These courses equip individuals with the necessary skills to excel in their professional journey.

Global Active Mind (GAM) specializes in Institutional Capacity Development, offering tailored consulting services to enhance the efficiency, productivity, and impact of organizations, including the following:

Digital Transformation Solutions (DTS):

GAM is at the forefront of Digital Transformation Solutions, guiding organizations through the integration of cutting-edge technologies and innovative strategies such as:



All of our data engineers are Boston University graduates.


Systems engineered

We've worked with clients from all walks of life, from tech to agriculture.


Ongoing projects

We keep in touch with our clients and offer ongoing support.

1. Digital Tech Solutions

GAM helps organizations develop comprehensive digital strategies, guide through the process of change, provide cybersecurity assessments, and offer tailored solutions to mitigate risks and safeguard sensitive data. We also provide data analytics and business intelligence solutions, enabling organizations to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights. We evaluate and optimize existing digital infrastructure to enhance performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. GAM also provides training and support for organizations embarking on a digital transformation journey, providing comprehensive training programs tailored to each organization's needs. Our storytelling and futurism services help craft compelling narratives and provide insights into emerging trends, ensuring businesses stay ahead in an ever-evolving market.

2. Online Technical Support and Services:

GAM offers various online technical support services, including business names and company registration, streamlined NGOs registration, updates and modifications to business records, trademark and service mark registration for brand protection, efficient tax and regulatory compliance, and licensing assistance for seamless business operations. Our team provides expert assistance in navigating legal requirements and documentation, ensuring a smooth and compliant registration process for businesses. We also ensure accurate and timely updates to business records, protect intellectual property, and maintain a unique brand identity. GAM also provides guidance on navigating tax laws and regulations, ensuring businesses remain in compliance and avoid potential legal pitfalls. Our services help businesses navigate the regulatory landscape, allowing them to focus on running their operations without interruptions.

Community Development Initiatives (CDI)

In the realm of Community Development Initiatives, GAM is dedicated to uplifting underserved communities through impactful projects including:


Data Analysts

Our in-house data analysts have a hands-on approach to data.


Companies analyzed

Last year, we were able to help nearly 50 companies.


Dollars saved in a day

Our consultants were able to save our client $130k in a day.

GAM is a social enterprise and community development agency that designs and implements community empowerment projects, such as vocational training, healthcare access, climate change adaptation, and infrastructure development, to empower underserved communities. We also engage in sustainable business ventures, such as establishing small businesses, implementing sustainable farming practices, and supporting renewable energy projects. These initiatives aim to promote economic stability, social welfare, and environmental sustainability, fostering economic growth and improving the well-being of underserved populations. GAM secures tenders and promotions, including stationary, printing, branding, online businesses, event management, and marketing campaigns, and seeks promotional opportunities through partnerships. We evaluate the social and economic impact of our initiatives, providing comprehensive reports and data to assess the effectiveness of our sustainable business ventures and make informed decisions on future investments.

Contact us

Whether you have a request, a query, or want to work with us, use the form below to get in touch with our team.